A great way to save money. For more information on interest rates associated with this account, please review the Rates page.

*For interest bearing business checking accounts, click here.

Business Savings

Opening Deposit: $100.00
Interest Bearing: Yes
Statements: Quarterly
Quarterly Fees: There is a $5.00 quarterly fee; however, if your account balance is $25.00 or greater this fee will be waived. Additional fees may apply
Monthly Transaction Limits: There is a maximum of six (6) transfers from your account each four (4) week or similar period, if by preauthorized or automatic transfer, or telephone agreement, order or instruction or by check, draft, debit card or similar order (including POS transactions), made by the depositor and payable to third parties.


Apply by contacting us or visit us at any of our branch locations.

Checking Account Features

Bill Pay

Pay your bills online. Sign up here.

Client Service

Our staff is eager to help you.

Debit Card

A free debit card is provided with most accounts.

Phone: 877.621.7658 | Email: | P.O. Box 109 | Woodville, TX 75979