Call Us To Ask About Our Elite Digital Payments Today or Login!
Do I need to download anything?
No, there is nothing to download. Once you have are enrolled, simply click on the login button on the top right this website. The Elite Digital Payments login field is located at the bottom of the page.
How do I enroll?
Because of the extra security requirements associated with the products and services offered through EDP, you cannot enroll yourself. If you are interested in enrolling in EDP, please contact our Client Service Department by clicking here, or sending a secure message through Digital Banking.
How much does it cost?
Elite Digital Payments is free.
Can I use it on a mobile device?
Because of the extra security requirements associated with the products and services offered through EDP, you cannot use it on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. It must be accessed using a computer. However, if you would like to be able to use any of the products or services available in Digital Banking and not in EDP on a mobile or tablet device, we can enroll you in both Digital Banking and EDP. Please note: you will be required to have two separate usernames.
Can I set up automatic payments for my bills?
Yes, setting up Bill Pay is easy, and once you have Bill Pay set up you can schedule automatic payments and reminders for yourself. To learn more about Bill Pay and how to set it up, click here. You can view a demo of our Digital Bill Pay platform, learn about the easy of automatic payments and eBills,and get answers to FAQs.
Can I get eBills?
Yes, eBills are part of our Digital Bill Pay platform and can be accessed at any time through the platform. Click here to visit our Bill Pay page where you can view a demo of the Bill Pay platform, learn more about eBills and get answers to FAQs.
How secure is my account information?
Our client’s security is our number one concern. As a result, we take every measure possible to protect you with all of our products and vender relationships.
How do eStatements work?
This service is offered on an account-by-account basis, and can be added or dropped for any account at anytime. When you enroll you can set your delivery preferences for each of your accounts and specify if you would like a paper statement or an eStatement. If you enroll in eStatements and later decide you would like a paper statement, its as simple as logging in and changing your preferences. Changing your preference from eStatement to paper statements will automatically turn back on your paper statement delivery; however, it will also mean you will no longer see any eStatements within Digital Banking for that account, but you will be able to see your account history under the “Accounts” tab.